Hedgehogs are captivating and enigmatic creatures, known for their endearing appearance and unique quirks. As you consider these charming animals as potential pets, you may have questions about their size, lifespan, care, and behavior.
In this comprehensive article, we delve into the fascinating world of hedgehogs, providing valuable insights into their size, lifespan as pets, care requirements, and much more.
Whether you’re a prospective hedgehog owner or simply curious about these spiky companions, join us as we explore all aspects of hedgehog life.
As a result of their diminutive stature, many people are curious in how big some of these animals grow to be when they reach adulthood.
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Hedgehog Size
The average adult can hold a hedgehog with one hand. According to the San Diego Zoo, their sizes can vary anywhere from 10 to 30 cm, or 4 to 12 inches.
Depending on the species, they can range in weight from from 5 to 56 ounces (155 to 1,584 grammes).
The Natural Environment of the Hedgehog
National Geographic states that hedgehogs can be located in four different continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, and New Zealand.
Savannas, woodlands, deserts, scrublands, and even suburban gardens are all suitable environments for them to call home. Burrows and nests are the typical accommodations for hedgehogs.
According to the San Diego Zoo, hedgehogs can dig burrows up to 20 inches (50 cm) deep, and their nests are crafted from plant materials.
Hedgehogs will often use abandoned burrows or crevices between rocks to call home.
When Does a Hedgehog Stop Growing?
Hedgehogs’ maturation periods are affected by factors like food, genetics, and species. When they reach maturity, which usually occurs about six months of age, hedgehogs are typically fully grown.
Nonetheless, there are many whose types require more time. It may take up to 11 months for these creatures to mature to their maximum size.
As before, it is contingent upon a wide range of elements, some of which we can influence and others that we cannot.
Factors Affecting the Size of Hedgehogs
The extent to which a hedgehog grows is subject to a variety of factors, just as it is for humans. One of the most noticeable differences is based on the participants’ gender.
Most female hedgehogs are smaller than their male counterparts. Most of the factors that affect height and weight are inherited.
The size of your hog may depend on factors outside genetics. Diet plays a significant role. Without proper nutrition, a hedgehog will likely fail to reach its full size.
It’s also vital to think about the breed of hedgehog when pondering its size. In general, a European hedgehog will be much lighter than an African Pygmy.
Hedgehogs as Pets
According to Millermeade Farms, a hedgehog breeder, owning a hedgehog is illegal in the states:
Alabama, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Vermont, and limited in the states of Arizona, New Jersey, and Oregon.
Hedgehog ownership is prohibited in the District of Columbia and the five boroughs of New York City, as reported by Animal Planet.
Hedgehog Size and Physical Characteristics
Hedgehogs are small, nocturnal mammals with distinctive features. On average, hedgehogs measure about 5 to 12 inches (13 to 30 cm) in length, excluding their spines. Their weight can vary significantly, but most hedgehogs weigh between 1 to 2 pounds (450 to 900 grams). When fully extended, their spines can add another inch or so to their size.
These charming creatures are characterized by their round bodies, short legs, and adorable faces. Their spines, or quills, cover their backs and provide protection against potential predators.
Hedgehog Lifespan as Pets
In the wild, hedgehogs typically have a shorter lifespan due to various natural threats and challenges. However, when kept as pets in a caring and safe environment, hedgehogs can live longer, healthier lives.
On average, pet hedgehogs have a lifespan of approximately 4 to 6 years. Some may even reach 7 or 8 years with proper care. Factors that contribute to their longevity include a balanced diet, a clean and comfortable living space, regular exercise, and regular veterinary check-ups.
Hedgehog Care and Habitat
Hedgehogs, despite their small size, require diligent care to thrive as pets. Here are some essential aspects of hedgehog care:
- Enclosure: Hedgehogs should have a spacious and secure enclosure or cage with good ventilation. Wire cages with solid bottoms work well. Ensure the cage has hiding spots and places to exercise.
- Diet: A well-balanced diet is crucial. Hedgehogs are insectivores and require a diet that includes high-quality commercial hedgehog food, insects, and occasional fruits or vegetables.
- Temperature: Hedgehogs are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Maintain a temperature range of 72 to 80°F (22 to 27°C) in their living space.
- Hygiene: Cleanliness is essential. Regularly clean their cage, provide fresh water, and keep an eye on their overall health.
- Social Interaction: Hedgehogs may bond with their owners but can also be solitary. Respect their boundaries and avoid disturbing them during the day.
Hedgehog Behavior and Interaction
Hedgehogs are known for their shy and solitary nature. While they may become accustomed to their owners’ presence, they are not typically considered affectionate pets like dogs or cats. Some hedgehogs may tolerate handling, but others may be more reserved or even defensive.
It’s essential to handle hedgehogs gently and provide them with ample opportunities for exploration and exercise. Always approach them calmly and be mindful of their comfort levels. Some hedgehogs may enjoy being held, while others may prefer to roam freely.
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Getting a hedgehog as a pet is a great idea if you are prepared to properly care for the animal. These pets are adorable and low maintenance because they are little (adults range in size from 5 to 56 ounces and 5 to 12 inches in length, depending on breed).
To ensure your pet enjoys a long and happy life with you, it is essential that you provide the best possible care.